Liked on YouTube: Weathering a Boxcar part 1

Hier ein kleiner Exkurse zur Bewitterung (Alterung) von Eisenbahnwagen in drei Episoden. Eine fantastische Arbeit des Kollegen Jon Hayward von Scalemodelmaniac.

Weathering a Boxcar part 1
My first attempt at a model train. This is the answer to "REVERSE SEALION" by Svinehunden aka Kasper. These are his trains and when they're done I'll send them back to him, he gets the trains all done up and I get the knowledge I gained doing them. Every project makes you better and this is no different, I learned so much about oils working on this project. All I used is visible in the video. Oil paints, thinners and varnish. Nothing special at all.
via YouTube

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